Thursday, December 4, 2014

Healthiest (and Easiest) Meal of the Day

If you have seen my post about turning 35 (35, I'm Coming After You), you know that I have made some big health changes in the past few months.

A big part of that is Shakeology - Shakeology is my healthiest, tastiest, and EASIEST meal of the day. It is a nutritional supplement, but you can make it like a milkshake. I made a salted caramel recipe that was out of this world. It's cut my cravings for fast food and sodas to almost nothing - don't get me wrong, I don't always make perfect choices, but Shakeology helps me to stay on track most of the time.

If you are looking to get healthier, lose inches, drop weight, find energy, and cut cholesterol like I did (20 points!), check out this three minute video on Shakeology:

Unlike most diet "shakes" out there, Shakeology is not comprised of fillers - only real, sustainably sourced ingredients.

Comment below or visit if you would like to find out more.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Halls' Homestead: Pinterest Fail: Green Bean Teepee

Halls' Homestead: Pinterest Fail: Green Bean Teepee: If you clicked here looking for how to make a green bean teepee successfully, click on, sister.  This is not what you are seeking....unless ...

Halls' Homestead: Pet Project: Katydid

Halls' Homestead: Pet Project: Katydid: Well, we have a new pet today - a katydid. Turns out they are pretty easy to keep, unlike the toad we collected a couple of weeks ago, ...

Friday, September 26, 2014

35, I'm Coming After You

So, at some point this year, I realized that 35 was creeping up on me.  Well, guess what, 35?  I've decided to turn the tables on you.  I am coming after You.  That's right.  Be afraid.  Be quivering in your near-middle-aged boots.  In fact, you better change those to tennis shoes for running from me.

Whoa!  You may be thinking I've been on the farm by myself a bit long.  But, nope, I've just recently found my motivation for getting into shape.  In July, I joined a challenge group with other ladies to workout daily, get our diets in check, and drink a nutritional supplement shake once a day.  I've have to admit, the chocolate shake has been the easiest part.

Well, here I am a few months in.  I haven't adjusted my diet as much as a should and I've missed a bunch of scheduled workouts.  That being said, I still feel SO much better.  I've lost 11", 8 pounds, and 20 cholesterol points!!  I'll take it for the amount of effort I have put forth.

However, 35 is creeping ever closer, so in the last month I've become a bit more serious.  Sometimes, I'm logging two workouts a day.  Two workouts may seem like a lot, but on the program I've found, the workouts are more effective and, therefore, not as long.  My favorite video is only 20 minutes long.  I can find 20 minutes in a day.  How about you?  Heck, I can waste 20 minutes on facebook without even knowing the time has passed.

All this to say, I am proud of myself.  I'm proud that I have taken a step towards better health.  I am proud that my cholesterol dropped 20 points out of the danger zone into the normal range.  I am proud for making the time to work out and choosing to "Push Play" even when I want to sleep a little longer or just veg out.

If and when you feel motivated to take steps to better health, let me know.  The programs I participate in work for me.  I resisted participating in them for three and a half years, but I finally did, and what a change it has made for me.  I'm not "always" tired anymore, and my engagement ring fits again - without being resized.  And don't forget, I avoided maintenance cholesterol medicine.  I've been so happy with the changes in my life that I have decided to become a representative for the company from whom I purchased the programs and shakes.

And 35, you better hide, because you've got less than two weeks until I find you.

UPDATE: Saturday, October 18th, I ran my first 5K without any training other than my Beachbody workouts.  I pushed our double jogging stroller with our six and three year old riding in it!  It was amazing!! I loved hearing that I "was a beast" from friends and other runners.  I'm glad to be 35 and kickin' it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Good Deal on Air Swimmer

I was just looking at, and I found this toy for less than $7!  It is normally $50. I know because we have thought about buying it many times before.  I clicked "purchase now" quickly tonight.  If this is something you have been considering, this may be the bargain you have been seeking.

I'm looking forward to ours arriving Monday, in time for the upcoming birthday of our oldest kiddo.

Have a great weekend!

UPDATE:  We received our air swimmer last Tuesday, as promised by  We bought a helium tank for about $22 from our local Wal-Mart and assembled it tonight.  My husband said skip the included instructions and just watch the video instead.  We are looking forward to surprising our son with it at his birthday party tomorrow.  In the meantime, my husband is dive bombing me with it while I type.  So, in summary it is good for 6 and 36 year olds, although the judgement of the later may be impaired.  He thinks we should have bought three of these.  An air fight, perhaps?

These are for INDOOR use only.  We have 18'+ ceilings in our great room, but it is really more fun at lower levels just so you can hassle others, clearly.  :)

Air Swimmer Tips: We have found that it is best to put a piece of tape over the putty holder, otherwise putty will fall out during flight.  Not only can that be messy/annoying, but if you lose enough of it, your air swimmer will not come down.  If your Air Swimmer does not come down/gets stuck, use a long pole with duct tape on the end to retrieve it.  Note: A ball wrapped in duct tape with the sticky side out tied to string will not work well when you throw it at the Air Swimmer.  Can you tell we've had some fun with it?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Glowing Reviews (Glow Stick Lanterns)


I recently bought a bunch of bracelet sized glow sticks for a party at our house, and, of course, I forgot to use them. Tonight, inspiration hit, and we surprised the kids with glow stick lanterns for their rooms. This is an incredibly easy idea, and the kids can help.  Not only is it cheap, simple, and quick, but the kiddos also got a big kick out of them and out of helping. Basically, you put activated glow sticks in bottles of water.

Here are the incredibly easy step-by-step instructions:
  1. Find an empty bottle.  We used clear 2 liter soda bottles.
  2. Rinse the bottles out.
  3. Fill the bottles with fresh water. Okay, I cheated on this step.  I reused a bottle previously used for a "tornado," so it was already filled with water (and some colored sand, and a marble, and some drops of liquid soap...)
  4. Peel off the labels. Don't worry about a perfect job.  Our normally OCD kiddos did not even care about the little pieces of label left behind.
  5. Open a package of glow sticks.  
  6. Activate the sticks.
  7. Place the glowing sticks inside the bottle of water.
  8. Tightly close the lid. If you have curious little ones, add some duct tape to the top for good measure.
  9. Find a dark place to enjoy the ambiance of your new lantern. 
Our one year old taking her turn to check out a lantern

Our kiddos picked special places in their rooms so they could view their lanterns as they went to sleep.

In addition to being fun, these provide a surprising amount of light.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Walking Water Experiment

We just tried a really fun science experiment - Walking Water.  I saw it listed in my newsfeed on Facebook yesterday, and we did it today!  I'm kind of proud that I knocked that one out instead of filing it under "to-do" on my overflowing mental lists.

Check out the experiment here:  The link gives good detail and lots of pictures.

The basic set up is:

  1. Place three clear containers side by side.  We used clear plastic cups. Be careful that you choose either containers that are not of great value or will not be stained by the food dye. 
  2. Fill the two outer containers with water, leaving the middle container empty.  
  3. Use food dye to color the water in the two outside containers. Use two different shades of food dye, one color in each of the two containers with water.  We used yellow and blue.  See further notes on color choices below.
  4. Take two paper towels. 
  5. Fold each paper towel so that it is long and skinny.  
  6. Take one folded paper towel, and place one end in the container of colored water.  Place the other end in the empty cup.  Repeat this process with the second paper towel so that you have something reminiscent of a paper towel bridge extending from each of the two colored containers into the empty cup.  
Have your kiddos make some initial observations, and then wait a while.  We went for an evening walk. When we came back, the kids found the water had walked so that all three cups had an equal amount of water.  

Repeat this experiment over and over mixing different colors.  It is a great opportunity to learn about primary and secondary colors.  Primary colors are colors that cannot be created by mixing other colors together.  The three primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.  Secondary colors are colors created by mixing the primary colors - orange (red + yellow), green (blue + yellow), and purple (red + blue).  

Have fun!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Halls' Homestead: Ticked Off (Tick Bite Prevention)

Halls' Homestead: Ticked Off (Tick Bite Prevention): In our efforts to go more natural and avoid many chemicals in our lives, we have been checking out natural remedies for common issues.  When...

Monday, July 7, 2014

An Attitude of Gratitude

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude in today's world of instant gratification is tough for adults and children alike.  Below is how our family is trying to push back those feelings of entitlement.

In addition to the Bible, I've had two books that have helped me to live life with a more grateful spirit:

1) Several years ago, I had a wonderful book recommended to me: The Prayer That Changes Everything Book of Prayers: The Hidden Power of Praising God by Stormie Omartian.  The book targets specific times that are tough in a person's life and provides guided prayers of praise and thankfulness during those tough times.  I was glad to have the book on hand through my miscarriage.

2) One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp.  This book details Ann's inner thought life as she grapples with the need for thankfulness in everyday life and in times of tragedy.  Her ministry offers some daily prompts to help others find things big and small, dazzling and mundane to be thankful for.  Check out the free tools here:

Over the past few months, I have seen the need for our children to have a spirit of thankfulness, especially our five year old who can have a critical and sour disposition at times.  So far, our three year old seems to be enamored with life and prayers of thankfulness tumble off of her lips throughout the day.  In an effort to encourage thankfulness among ALL family members, every night before bed, we each take a turn saying "I am thankful for..." and list the things we are thankful for that day.  We make a strong daily effort to have our children say "thank you" for common courtesies, meals, sharing, etc.  We also ask our children to thank their various teachers and coaches at the end of each class/practice/game, and we make a lot of thank you cards for others in our lives.  We know that God desires us to live a life of gratitude and that a spirit of gratitude will lead to more joy in the lives of our children.

Early on, our marriage was tanking fast.  We were barely holding on to "until death do us part."  Believing in the Biblical view of marriage, we kept fighting the good fight, going to marriage counselors and a marriage retreat.  The biggest thing God used to change our marriage was the following piece of advice, "Each night, sit down with your spouse, and thank them for (at least) one thing they did that day."  It could be as simple as "Thank you for taking a shower today" or something more deep such as "Thank you for taking my feelings into consideration before making weekend plans."  Whoa!  Sounds simple, but if you are in a hard spot in your marriage, it can be a tough task.  We found that the need to find one thing every day to thank each other for had us looking for good things throughout the day.  We now say "thank you" throughout the day for one another - in person, text, phone call, notes, etc.  God turned our marriage around using gratitude.

You would think with all of this, thankfulness would come easy.  Unfortunately, it does not.  That inner sin nature makes each of us feel so entitled that our thought life can look like,  "we deserve this, of course they should do it for us, it's their job."  It is a battle that must be fought daily in every area of our life.

I encourage you to take some steps to add thankfulness into your daily routine.  Avoid plans so grandiose that follow through will be difficult.  Start with baby steps.  Tell that person at your office you can't stand something you appreciate them for - are they always on time, do they excel at customer service, do they remember to wear their badge every day, do they look professional, do they have a spirit of persistence, are they quick with a smile?  Be careful to keep your thoughts out of the negative range.  Avoid "always" and "never" statements.

When you start to feel down, start thanking God for the blessings in your life.

When stressful thoughts are keeping you from sleeping at night, start thanking God for the good things in life.

It can be tough, but start with the simple stuff.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Halls' Homestead: Turtle Tagging

Halls' Homestead: Turtle Tagging: I love turtles, and I find most people do. These (mostly) sweet and harmless reptiles with their good sense of style and "take it easy...

Halls' Homestead: A Bloomin' Good Time (Summer Fun Idea with Kids)

Halls' Homestead: A Bloomin' Good Time (Summer Fun Idea with Kids): Last year, at the Dallas Museum of Art, I saw a great idea I could easily bring home for the kiddos. By "good idea," know I mean ...

Halls' Homestead: A Day in the Life...

Halls' Homestead: A Day in the Life...: Today, I am recovering from a cold/flu-like bug that hit me hard two days ago.  You would think that would mean things would be pretty calm ...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Halls' Homestead: Wild Times (Wildlife on Halls' Homestead)

Halls' Homestead: Wild Times (Wildlife on Halls' Homestead): We are blessed with lots of animals from the wild kingdom at Halls' Homestead.  An otter lives in our pond, a great blue heron likes to ...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hall's Homestead: One of Those Days

Hall's Homestead: One of Those Days: We all have them - one of those  days.  Well, that was today for us. A storm last night knocked out our internet and cell phone service, w...

Hall's Homestead: The Pits (Cherry Pits, That Is)

Hall's Homestead: The Pits (Cherry Pits, That Is): Last week, when reading a magazine, it came to my attention that there is a tool for pitting cherries - what?!!!  You mean all these years o...

Hall's Homestead: Deer Me!! (Deer Bacon Burger Tacos)

Hall's Homestead: Deer Me!! (Deer Bacon Burger Tacos): This appears to be our first week of serious summer around Halls' Homestead. What to eat? What to eat?  Tacos!!  Everyone can pick exact...